Unlock undiscovered opportunities with
knowledge about our planet's natural assets.

What is
Ozius Biome?®

Ozius Biome® is a powerful AI enabled analytics

It ingests a myriad of spatial data sources and
formats combined with environmental and data
science to create some of the worlds most advanced
4-Dimensional information.

The Ozius Biome® platform allows you to visualise
and sample a suite of products that accurately and
consistently reconstruct biophysical and structural
vegetaion characteristics.

Additionally, Ozius Biome® products can be tailored
or configured to meet your unique environmental
monitoring, auditing or reporting requirements.

Ozius Biome comprises three kinds of product solutions


Core Vegetation
Structure Products

Ozius Biome® core products focus on the fundamental structural characteristics of vegetation including canopy cover and flora height. Used alone or in conjunction with other products, the data can be used for a variety of purposes such as identifying potential bushfire hazards, investment opportunities, deforestation, and more.



Ozius Biome® provides information on the vegetation structure of habitats, allowing you to examine specific characteristics across large biodiverse spans. These can be used alone or in conjunction with other products to address knowledge gaps or locate sites of interest.


Natural Capital

Ozius Biome® range of products provide valuable insights on baseline Forest and Biomass conditions aligned to different frameworks and classification systems including Biome NGGI Forest Definition, Kyoto Forest extent, and United Nation’s FAO Forest extent. With each framework defining forest in a different way, natural capital products allow you to receive data in the way that is relevant for you and your specific project.


Ozius Biome®
Trend and

Ozius’s vast technical and research experience since inception has centred around the ability to take disparate remotely sensed data sets and produce intelligence and clear change detection, trend analytics to support historic or near real time monitoring of natural o anthropogenic changes or disturbances in the natural environment.

Our approach to anomaly detection and trend analysis has been used and tested by some of the world’s largest resource organisations, government agencies including the Australian Department of Defence.

How Using
Ozius Biome®
Can Benefit

Gain better visibility

With access to data that covers thousands
of hectares, you can gain a better view of
large areas that would otherwise be difficult
to access.

Faster, more streamlined research

With data at your disposal that allows you to
optimise field site selections and resource
allocations, your research will be faster and
more targeted.

Faster, more-informed decision making

Our clients report a dramatic reduction in time
spent on investigations and with more accurate,
consistent, time-specific data, decision making
becomes more effective and efficient.

Identify investment opportunities

Identify and monitor carbon trading
opportunities through integrated business
intelligence data. Scan large areas of land to
assess investment opportunities.

Monitor changes over time and space

Using historical data combined with fast,
sophisticated analysis and ongoing monitoring,
you can quickly identify anomalies, trends, and
areas of concern at multiple scales. This is
especially useful in identifying areas of
deforestation, erosion, and economic and social

Rare event detention

Be notified of rare events affecting your
high-value assets. Respond to key events and
receive updates on current projects as the
landscape changes, to optimise how you react
and adapt in the field.

Prepare for bush fires

Better prepare for bushfire season with
improved data for risk modelling and identifying
landscapes that require backburning.

Praise for
Ozius Biome®

  • 30 minutes with Ozius saved
    us three days in the field.

    The work Ozius produced gave us the
    confidence to apply these findings over an
    entire catching that we could never visit on the

    Queensland Government Water Planning & Ecology Team 2017

FAQs about Ozius Biome®

What are the data sources for Ozius Biome?®

Ozius Biome® contains leading-edge environmental data sets that can be seamlessly integrated with enterprise systems.

Vegetation structure metrics are created using Ozius Biome® proprietary processing methods and the combined inputs of:

European Space Agency’s Copernicus Program:

Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery

NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI):

High-resolution laser ranging of Earth’s forests attached to the International Space Station. GEDI is a full-waveform lidar instrument collecting key vegetation and topographic information.

All products in Ozius Biome® are modelled at the national scale and provide estimated values of biophysical properties.

Leveraging optical, microwave and lidar sensors, we optimise the modelling of sparse vegetation, and limit saturation in dense vegetation.

I have a single project I’d like to use Ozius Biome® for, can I get a limited licence?

Yes! We have a project subscription that allows you to only pay for the data you need for the project you are working on.

How reliable is the data provided by Ozius Biome®?

Ozius Biome® seamlessly integrates with your existing platforms and workflows to ensure you get the most out of the data in ways that are relevant to you.

Who is using Ozius Biome®?

Backed by advanced science, thorough research and development and rigorous testing, Ozius Biome® was developed by our team of scientists and analysts with expertise in Earth observation, ecology, data science, and artificial intelligence.

The data is extremely reliable and offers superior insights than many traditional research methods.

Ozius Biome® products are used by:

  • Australian Federal Government
  • Queensland State Government
  • The Wilderness Society Australia
  • University researchers
  • Some of Australia’s leading natural capital investment firms
  • A range of the world’s largest Energy companies.

A range of flexible Ozius Biome® plans

Biome Open
Data Store

Free for non commercial users,
researchers and NFP.


Visualise and query the open data store within the Ozius Biome® platform or request access via direct download or integration.

Data integration via API or WMTS

Products currently available for non-commercial users and researchers include:

  • Ozius Biome UN-FAO Forest product
  • All Biome products are available under our open data license for academic research relating to fauna listed under the threatened category of the IUCN Red List.


Explore the world’s vegetation
in 3D.


  • Visiualise and query products within the Ozius Biome® platform
  • Upload your own area of interest (AOI).
  • Query 10m pixels
  • Run Summary Statistics over your AOI.
  • Request Biome Natural Capital Report.
  • Request Free Sample products up to 3,000ha in area

Products currently available:

  • Biodiversity Suite
  • Biome Core Product Suite
  • Natural Capital Suite

Project Quote


$0.01 / ha (AUD, excl taxes)

up to

$0.30 / ha (AUD, excl taxes)

Min purchase of $300.00 AUD excl taxes

Data integration via API or WMTS

  • Visiualise and query products within the Ozius Biome® platform
  • Upload your own area of interest (AOI).
  • Request Free Sample products up to 3,000ha in area

Enterprise & Govt

Access Large areas or entire
countries, obtain custom
products such as change and
anomaly detection.

  • Bespoke products available
  • Training and support included
  • Visiualise and query products within the Ozius Biome® platform
  • Upload your own area of interest (AOI).
  • Request Free Sample products up to 5,000ha in area.

Data integration via API or WMTS

Access Ozius experts to help your business with the best possible solution for your specific requirements.

Register for your free demo
and unlock Ozius Biome® instantly.

Get started with a free trial.
Just provide us with a few details and you’ll receive access instantly.